Larry Melton’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his business out of a Ford Explorer. With hard work, Larry was able to see his business grow, creating jobs and benefitting his community along the way.
Larry’s Passion: From an early age, Larry knew he enjoyed what free enterprise could offer. When Larry started his business in 2018, he worked out of his wife’s Ford Explorer. Now, five years later, AZ Water Systems operates four service trucks throughout the Phoenix area.
- “I was always interested in doing something fun, selling things, and making some money on the side.”
Boost the Local Economy: After starting out on his own, Larry is proud that he has been able to hire more people as his business continues to grow. Today, AZ Water system employs five people who all get to share in the business’s success.
- “It’s not just the person who owns a business. It’s not the person who starts a business. It helps everyone in that community. We’re creating jobs for many people, those people get to feed their family, they get to enjoy things in life – all because that person decided to start something.”
Why Free Enterprise Matters to Larry: “Free enterprise is your opportunity, or anyone’s opportunity, to go out into the world, make something for yourself, and thrive or fail on your own.”
- “A lot of politicians are really quick to put in place really harsh, restrictive policies that hurt small businesses like myself. There’s really no repercussions for them, only for us. We absolutely need more people who are more pro-free enterprise and pro-small business.”