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“The record of history is absolutely crystal clear that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.”

-Milton Friedman


Memo: Free Enterprise Is On The Ballot In Arizona

FROM: Citizens for Free Enterprise ActionTO: Interested PartiesRE: Arizona 2024 Legislative Session Analysis The Arizona Legislature adjourned its 2024 regular session on June 15. At 160 days the session was well over a month shorter than last year’s record of 204 days. Overall, legislators considered more than 1,700 different bills and resolutions. More

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Facts & Figures

Katie Hobbs Earns Rusty Shovel for Latest Jobs Report

We recently published a post examining Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs’ jobs record. Our post noted that since Hobbs took office, government jobs grew to their highest level ever while key private industries have struggled. Although that record included jobs at every level of government, Hobbs took credit for them and

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Facts & Figures

Katie Government Jobbs

Executive Summary Katie Hobbs loves giving herself nicknames. Her first was the self-described “veto queen” and lately she’s taken to calling herself “Katie Jobbs.”  In a recent post on social media, the Governor claims that she has “created 86,400 jobs” – but a look at the underlying data raises cause

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Memo: Georgia General Assembly Embraces Free Enterprise

FROM: Citizens for Free Enterprise ActionTO: Interested PartiesRE: Georgia 2024 Legislative Session Analysis The Georgia General Assembly wrapped up its legislative session at the end of March, having considered more than 1,700 different bills. Overall, Georgia’s legislative session brought victories on key issues as state policymakers embraced free enterprise values. Although a handful

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Fact Checking Save Our Schools Arizona’s Lies

Save Our Schools Arizona—an anti-school choice advocacy group committed to keeping kids in failing schools—was busy on social media this week promoting misinformation as part of its continued crusade against Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program. Lying about the ESA program is unfortunately nothing new for SOSAZ (or its allies in

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“Progressive” Democrat Agenda: Right to (not) Work

The Congressional Progressive Caucus recently released its agenda for 2025 and beyond. While the proposed trillions in new spending and crippling tax increases come as no surprise, the agenda is notable for its total rejection of the constitutional and free enterprise principles that enable prosperity and have made this country

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