The Stakes of Free Enterprise

“The record of history is absolutely crystal clear that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.” –Milton Friedman What is free enterprise? Free enterprise is the unimpeded, voluntary flow of […]
Free Enterprise Testimonials: Larry, AZ Water Systems

Larry Melton’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his business out of a Ford Explorer. With hard work, Larry was able to see his business grow, creating jobs and benefitting his community along the way. Larry’s Passion: From an early age, Larry knew he enjoyed what free enterprise could offer. When Larry started his business […]
Gov. Doug Ducey: The American Dream And Free Enterprise Are Worth Fighting For

PHOENIX, AZ – Citizens for Free Enterprise CEO and Former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey today wrote an op-ed for Fox News that details how his career in business and time in public service inspired him to launch CFFE. In the piece, Governor Ducey outlines how CFFE plans to promote and protect free enterprise by activating Americans […]